Ms. Nana
「感謝您悉心教導每一位小朋友,以生動互動的方法提升學生的學習興趣。素熒在家不時用普通話唱歌,我們相信這都是您的功勞,是您的教學成果的證明。 」- Sue’s parents
“Thank you for teaching Audrey Chinese/Mandarin & making the lessons so fun to her! I can tell she loves having your lessons & shows gradual improvement! ” – Audrey’s parents
「感謝您教導溫懿和溫皓。很欣賞你的教學熱誠,細心和專業。讓孩子們愉快地學習,衷心感謝!」- Daniel 及 Valerie’s parents
“Thank you for being so enthusiastic with the kids. The positive vibes you create in the classroom helps the little students enjoy learning and provides them a happy memory in their childhood. Thank you!” – Sue’s Parents
“Thank you for warm smile and endless energy, especially during the “Zoom” lessons. Willem enjoyed singing and dancing along and even teaches us things he learned at school! ” – Willem’s parents
“Thank you for being an amazing teacher! Harriet would come home and pretend to be a teacher teaching mommy this & that everyday after school, just like how you have taught her!” – Harriet’s parents

Ms. Mandy

Ms. Divya
“Thank you for teaching my son very important things not only English but also social life with friends. He is growing up to be a child. He loves friends and teachers. ” – Sozo’s parents
“Thank you for putting all your effort to make this year as enjoyable as possible. Thanks for the guidance and kindness. ” – Yera’s parents
“Thank you for being the class teacher of Yannie, thanks for your kindness and love. ” – Yannie’s parents
“Thank you for always being here for the students and parents. Under your leadership, DE is a happy and safe place for own kids to grow. I am thankful to have sent Sue to DE as her first school.” – Sue’s parents
“Thank you for raising children affectionately. I’m glad I chose this kindergarten from the bottom of my heart. My son is so full of school life.” – Sozo’s parents
“Thank you for caring Audrey & remembering every single detail of her (e.g., Snack, potty training). I feel grateful to have you as Audrey’s teacher & principal! ” – Audrey’s parents

Principal Sharon