Dear Parents,
A new season is upon us, and the new term is now well underway at David Exodus. The children have all made such wonderful progress and are really blossoming in both their educational and personal development.
It was lovely to see some new faces join us this term, and despite the difficult circumstances, we were very happy with the turn out for both new and existing students.
We celebrated all of the August, September and October birthdays together, with a rainbow-themed party on 16th October! Children had fun playing games with friends and making hand-made bracelets.

We also had a Costume Party on 30th October. Everyone was happy dressing up in their favourite costume then told us about it on stage in our show and tell. We had so much fun playing with bubbles in the outdoor playground.

Please note the following important dates:
27th November – Animal Party
An Animal Party will be held on 27th November (Friday) for your children to dress up in animal costumes and role play in different animal related activities.
4th December – Birthday Party
A Birthday Party will be held on 4th December (Friday) for those children whose birthday falls in November or December. Children should wear casual wear.
11th December – Christmas Concert
A Christmas Concert will be held on 11th December (Friday). More information will be sent at a later date.
18th December – Christmas Party & Last Day of Term
A Christmas Party will be held on 18th December (Friday). Children should come to school in casual wear.
4th January – First Day of Spring Term
The first day of Spring Term is on 4th January 2021 (Monday).
Finally, I am pleased to inform you that all the children are now well settled and we are enjoying a very happy and lively atmosphere within the kindergarten.
Best Wishes,
Sharon Chow

Hand painting


