Tuition Fees
- The tuition fee for the academic year 2023-2024, September to June is currently HK$60,000 (10 monthly payments of HK$6000).
- Upon confirmation of a place, a HK$970 refundable deposit is required. Upon admission a HK$1,300 non-refundable supply fee is charged to cover the cost of school bag, library bag, sun hat, P.E. T-shirt, snacks and any other miscellaneous items.
- There is a HK$40 non-refundable Registration Fee for each application. The fee is intended to:
1. Cover the administrative cost of the David Exodus Kindergarten application process, which includes staff costs during the play visit and parent’s interview (as part of the admission assessment). Children may be invited back to the kindergarten for a second visit if the school needs further information on the child. The kindergarten may involve a special educational needs advisor in this visit.
2. Cover the orientation meeting before children start school.
3. Cover the coffee mornings / coffee afternoons which take place six times per year.
4. Cover copying and postage fees when sending out circulars.
5. Cover school seminar events for parents in the academic year 2023-24.